Car Running Rough After Replacing Alternator (Cause And Fix)

As you know, the generator is one of the important components of any vehicle. Its job is to keep the electrical system running by generating energy to drive the car’s movement. However, the car running rough after replacing the alternator is one of the problems that many people are looking for at the moment.

If the generator is not working properly, it can cause the car to slow down or have difficulty moving. The cause is that the generator cannot generate enough voltage. The low voltage output can lead to fuel delivery problems or incorrect spark plugs. In addition, a damaged generator diode can also interfere with the signals sent to the ECU, resulting in a car having difficulty moving.

In this article, we will provide you with detailed information about generator problems that cause cars to run sluggishly or hard. Besides that, you’ll also learn about troubleshooting if your car’s alternator has problems.

Car Running Rough After Replacing Alternator – Some Basic Causes

If your car has difficulty moving after replacing the alternator, you can consider the following two common reasons. The two main reasons are that the generator does not generate enough voltage or the diodes are not working efficiently.

Not Enough Voltage

Your car running sluggishly or having difficulty moving after changing the alternator could be because the alternator is not working as it should. The alternator may be faulty or too weak, so it won’t be able to generate enough power for your car to run properly. For example, instead of a generator having to supply more than 14 volts, it can only generate 13 volts or less. Therefore, your car will not be able to have enough power to move easily on the road.

In other words, the components in your car’s engine will be deprived of the power to provide power, causing them to operate slowly or not at all. The severity of the power shortage that causes a car to slow down depends on which part of the engine is missing power from the generator. For example, if only one spark plug is affected, you will still be able to drive normally, but performance and fuel economy will be significantly reduced. However, if the alternator causes a shortage of electricity and power to many parts of the engine at the same time, it will make your car difficult to move.

Inefficient Operation Of Diodes

A generator that does not work properly can cause an insufficient supply of electricity and power to the car or unstable power that causes the car to move slowly. In particular, if the generator’s diodes are not working properly, it can cause “ripples” in the DC voltage output. Therefore, it may interfere with signals sent by sensors, such as the camshaft position sensor.

As you may not know, the camshaft position sensor is important because it tells the computer (ECU) when to ignite the ignition and monitors their position so that they ignite at the right time during each duty cycle. If there is a problem with the diodes, these signals can be distorted or sent to other components at the wrong time leading to poor motor performance.

How To Detect A Broken Generator?

To determine the cause of your car’s poor performance after replacing the alternator, you can learn some information about the signs of a faulty generator to find the cause early and fix it timely.

Dim Lights On The Dashboard And Headlights Have Problems

One of the most common signs that your alternator is failing is a dim light on the dashboard or headlights, including the interior lights. The cause is that the generator does not have enough power, leading to these parts not working properly. Even dim lights or headlights can turn off suddenly while you are driving because power is not supplied to these components.

Faulty Electrical Accessories

A faulty alternator can cause a host of serious problems with any car’s electrical accessory. Some common parts like air conditioners, windshield wipers, car stereos, etc. This is because the alternator doesn’t generate enough power, causing these components to behave erratically or stop working altogether when you’re trying to drive.

Turn On The Battery Warning Light

A faulty alternator can also alert you through the battery warning light on the dashboard when you start your car. If you notice the warning light comes on, the generator has a serious problem and needs to be fixed promptly.

Batteries Run Out Of Battery

If you experience sudden battery death or if it hasn’t been charged continuously for several days even though it’s new, the cause may be from the generator. This condition can occur when an old or faulty generator is unable to charge the battery properly. As a result, the battery quickly runs out of energy and cannot function as it should.

How Does A Generator Work Efficiently?

Are you wondering how a generator works efficiently and correctly? Below is general information about generator operation. Generators work in tandem with other parts of your car’s engine, such as the crankshaft and pistons, to generate electrical power while driving. When you start your car, it will rely on battery power until the engine starts to spin and generate energy from combustion.

After you have started the car, the generator will work by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. So other components will use electrical energy to function like headlights, air conditioners, wipers, windshields, and radios.

Its mechanism of action is to generate an electric current by rotating a magnet inside a copper coil. So it will generate an alternating current (AC), then it is rectified to direct current (DC) by a diode bridge. In addition, the DC output is regulated by a voltage regulator and sent to the battery and other components in the form of 14.6 volts or higher.

So, if any part is not working correctly due to a lack of electrical power, it will also lead to motor problems. Therefore, your car will operate slowly or with difficulty when lacking electric power.

How To Solve The Broken Generator?

First, to determine if the generator is broken or not, you can use a multimeter at home or take your car to a repair center. After checking and you find out that the alternator has a problem, replace it as soon as possible because it will cause a bunch of other parts to fail as a result of the transmission being driven from the car engine.

You can use a multimeter to test a generator by measuring the output voltage. The voltage output must remain at about 14.6 volts while the motor is running. If the current is significantly lower, you should replace the generator with a new one because there is not enough electrical power to generate the minimum for the car to operate properly. In addition, you also need to check some other parts such as belts and hoses, as they can also wear out due to long-term use over time.

Some Other Reasons For Cars To Run Sluggishly Or Slowly

In addition to generator problems, some other causes you may be concerned about if your car is not working properly such as dirty spark plugs, fuel filter problems, vacuum leaks, fuel injectors clogged, etc.

Dirty Spark Plugs

A sluggish and slow car can be caused by one of the most common causes of dirty spark plugs. When the spark plug has worked for a long time, it will start to accumulate carbon deposits. This buildup will prevent fuel from entering the combustion chamber and lead to idling or false ignition.

The easiest way to check with spark plugs is to simply remove each spark plug to check for signs of carbon buildup or damage. If you find any of them worn or damaged, you should replace them with a new one. However, if the spark plug is just dirty, you can clean it and clean it regularly.

Fuel Filter Problems

Your car will also run sluggishly or have difficulty moving if there is a problem with getting enough fuel into the engine. The cause is that the fuel filter in your car may have become clogged due to dirt, debris, or other contaminants that have accumulated in the fuel filter. The way to fix it is that you should check and change the car’s fuel filter regularly and properly to make sure they work effectively.

Vacuum Leak

One of the other common causes of your car’s sluggish performance is a vacuum leak. Vacuum leakage occurs when the intake manifold gasket is cracked or worn after a long time of use. So it allows air to enter your engine without going through the air filter first.

This extra air can unbalance the air-fuel mixture inside your engine. From there, it leads to poor performance and increased car emissions. To determine this condition, you should inspect all hoses connected to the intake manifold for cracks or signs of leaks. If you spot these signs, you should get a new replacement to ensure your car is running smoothly.

Fuel Injector Clogged

Finally, clogged fuel injectors can also be the cause of your car idling. As you know, fuel injectors inject fuel into the intake manifold, where it mixes with air before entering the combustion chamber. However, if any of them are dirty or clogged, they will not be able to do their job properly. Therefore, it will lead to an unbalanced air and fuel mixture and cause cars to run sluggishly and slowly.


The cause of the car not working smoothly, running sluggishly, or having no load can come from the generator. The two main causes of generators are not generating enough voltage or the diodes not working properly. Other possible causes include dirty spark plugs, fuel filter problems, vacuum leaks, or clogged fuel injectors.

If you discover a broken generator, you should replace it with a new one to ensure enough electrical power for the other components to function properly. In addition, you should check your car periodically to detect early signs of problems to avoid high repair costs later.

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