Do you know how to fix 2014 ford focus ignition coil problems?
The ignition coil is an essential part of modern engines. It converts 12V power into thousands of Volts to generate a strong enough spark to blast through the spark plug gap and start the car.
The improper ignition of the engine, a malfunction in the check engine light on the dashboard, a power loss, or your car just won’t start are all signs that your Ford Focus ignition coil is bad. Okay.
The coils are susceptible to high heat levels under the hood due to their proximity to the engine. When exposed to such high temperatures for an extended period of time, the ignition coils burn out or become less efficient at charging.
Faults in the ignition coils of Ford Focus engines are a regular issue, but not everyone understands how to inspect them. The article summarizes various techniques for checking the ignition coil on your own.
How Does An Ignition Coil Work?
When a spark is created at the spark plug, the fire must begin with a high voltage supply so that as much fuel as possible burns in the cylinder. When the combustion process begins, the coil pack generates energy in the range of 50,000 to 75,000 Volts.
When the electronic control module provides the signal to the ignition control, the electricity from the coil pack is released to the spark plug via the spark plug cables.
When the spark arrives at the spark plug, it jumps from the gap to the ground, triggering an explosion of the fuel-air mixture inside the cylinder chamber.
Common 2014 Ford Focus Ignition Coil Problems
There are numerous possible symptoms that could be caused by defective ignition coils in your Focus. Here are the most typical signs of defective ignition coil:
Check Engine Light Comes On
One of the most typical signs of damaged coil packs is the check engine light. The majority of the time, the engine computer in your Focus will be able to identify damaged coil packs.
Increasing Speed Is Abnormal
The fuel and ignition systems in your Focus react when you press the gas pedal. A decrease in acceleration should be felt. The fewer cylinders your engine has, the more of an impact a malfunctioning cylinder will have on engine performance.
You’ll experience a jerking sensation and weaker acceleration from the Focus if you have one or more defective coil packs.
The most typical sign of a faulty coil pack is misfiring. Any additional sensations you experience are a result of the misfiring itself.
What is causing the misfire, in fact, is the actual mystery. There is more to your Focus’s ignition system than just the coil packs. Spark plugs and plug wires are also present.
A misfire can also result from circumstances unrelated to ignition. This could be due to low fuel pressure, malfunctioning fuel injectors, or even a jumped timing chain.
We advise checking for trouble codes first because there are so many potential causes for a car to misfire.
Rough Idle
Misfiring Spark Plugs are frequently most noticeable at idle speed. This is so that the engine may be detected more easily when it turns more slowly. There will be a loud vibration.
How To Fix 2014 Ford Focus Ignition Coil Problems?

Here are the steps you need to take to check and repair the ignition coils of your Ford Focus.
Inspect The Ignition Coil
Let’s begin the test with the standard procedure: park the automobile and turn off the engine. Lift the hood and look for the ignition coil.
It’s commonly near the front fender, just above the engine, bolted to the spark plugs, or positioned anywhere on top of the engine. Find and remove any plastic coverings that may be covering the ignition coil if necessary.
Using a tool and insulating gloves, carefully remove one of the spark plug wires from the plug.
Then, taking care not to drop anything into the gap that forms, remove the spark plug. Anything that goes into this space can harm the motor, so cover it with a rag or cloth.
After removing the spark plug, reconnect it to the spark plug wire. To avoid electric shock, hold spark plugs via an insulated cable.
The next step is to disconnect the fuel pump relay to ensure that the engine does not start but sparks are still produced by the plug.
Refer to the instruction manual if you are unsure how to remove the fuel pump relay. Allow someone else to start the engine and observe.
If blue sparks occur, the ignition coil is regarded to be in good functioning order. Orange sparks indicate that there is insufficient electricity being delivered.
Nothing is formed in the absence of sparks.Reinstall the detached spark plug after inspecting the ignition coil.
Check The Ignition Coil With A Digital Multimeter
A digital multimeter can be used to test an ignition coil in Ford Focus. Before you open the hood, read the owner’s manual to find out the exact resistance of the coil. Locate and detach the coil’s wires under the hood.
There are two circuits to test on the ignition coil: primary and secondary. To test the primary circuit, connect a multimeter to the negative and positive terminals of the ignition coil.
If the multimeter reads 0 ohms, it means the ignition coil has shorted within the primary coil and must be replaced. If the multimeter readings exceed the range specified in the owner’s manual, the primary winding is likely to be open circuited and must be replaced.
Connect the positive wire of the multimeter to the positive terminal of the coil and the high voltage output terminal to the spark plug to test the secondary circuit of the ignition coil.
Again, examine your vehicle’s owner’s manual to determine the projected power output from the spark plug. The secondary resistance of most ignition coils is between 6,000 and 10,000 ohms.
If the meter reads zero, it means the coil has short-circuited and must be replaced. When the meter’s indication goes above the range specified in the handbook, the coil is open circuit and must be replaced.
Dealing With a Faulty Ignition Coil
If you’re not sure about repairing the problem yourself after evaluating the ignition coil condition, simply take your automobile to a shop.
If you wish to solve the problem yourself, turn off the ignition system and look for the coil. Unplug the coil and carefully remove the bolts that hold it in place. Please replace the old ignition coil with a new one.
To avoid corrosion, it is advisable to apply insulating grease to the coil and bracket before inserting the replacement coil.
Tighten the nuts to secure the new coil, then reconnect the electrical connector. Finally, repeat the initial check to ensure that the ignition coil fault has been resolved.
Final Thoughts
Almost all of the symptoms of a damaged ignition coil in your Focus could also be caused by other ignition system problems, so be aware of this. If you have anything to contribute, please do so in the comments section below. I hope this post is useful!